AJCAACO Chalet Is Here Again...
Harlow Friends... AJCAACO is having a chalet outing at Aloha Changi. Every year, there will be very nice AJCO alumni peeps volunteer to organize a chalet. The previous one was organized by Missy Yurb (Huiling who is studying nursing in Australia now). The coming chalet is organized by Lilian. (THANK YOU LILIAN!!!! =D). This chalet will be a good relaxation for those who have worked hard in many ways for The Reunion Concert and to provide a chance for the AJCAACO gang to meet up again. Here are the details:
Date: 20th October - 21st October 2007
Time: 20th October 3pm (Check in) - 21st October 1030am (Check out)
Venue: Aloha Changi (NETHERAVON BGL C)
Here is a picture of our chalet block:
The double-storey terraces are fully furbished with living room set with TV and games table; dining area; 3 air-conditioned bedrooms, furbished with beds (1 queen-sized and 4 single-sized), wardrobe, dresser, bedside table and wall fan; 3 toilets /bath with shower heater; BBQ pit and a fully equipped kitchen.
Taken from: https://www.aloharesorts.com.sg/booking/chalet/chaletDetails.asp?lid=27
Hmmm... I guess the place looks a bit eerie... But with the 'spastic', high-spirited, fun-loving and cranky AJCAACO gang, we will definitely liven up the place. If anyone is still uncomfortable, let's have Tan Kah Yong (our Taoist Priest) to write us a few pieces of yellow charms (like what he did on our exhibition board).
Interested individuals, please leave your names either in the comments of the blog or send an email to AJCAACO yahoo group. =D
@@ AJCAACO ~ We Reward Ourselves with Fun After Hardwork @@
~~~Ah Liang~~~
me me! *sRn*
And I will definitely be going. President must show utmost support mah... Anymore people? Must give Lilian support also... Hee
count me in!
thank you lilian for organising!
it will be a good break for me :D
Siew Hwa
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