Monday, October 19, 2009

Our Mission

Introducing the MISSION of our orchestra!


To establish and maintain a unique, positive and sincere organization in happiness, and let the members grow and care mutually with tacit understanding.

Saturday, October 03, 2009




到了Diana的家,我们就被那大到不行的 Winnie the Pooh给吸引了。



Peow ee忙着处理冷冻食物

















Wednesday, May 06, 2009


坐在观众席上, 我屏住了呼吸。安初华乐团在台上了。

几天前还在担心 juniors 们似乎还没进入状态, 心想: 一个星期多了,都没机会听到他们演奏, 不知道进展如何?

黄老师走向指挥台, 曲子也随着指挥棒的摇摆轻轻响起。在台下的学长们都不敢动, 只是听着音乐的旋律, 凝视着台上 juniors 们的一举一动。

Wow! 他们还动得蛮厉害的, especially cello and bass. I could see them oscillating. Ok, sorry no offence.

大家都好多了 although 只有让其中一位 senior '一点' 感动。*clap clap clap* Ok, sorry no offence again.

两首曲目一晃而过, 等待成绩公布的时间是漫长的。好久以后, 所有学院的师生们陆续入场, 听着成绩的公布。

安初华乐比赛次序被排在最后, 因此也是最后一间成绩被宣布的初院。这时大家都不敢呼吸...

"安初华乐团... 荣誉金牌"

众人顿时哗然, seniors 们也给了 juniors 们 a standing ovation.

They cheered, hugged and cried, especially those without musical background.

一路走来, 他们辛苦了。也辛苦了他们的指导教练、老师、学长。

Everyone has done a great job leading to the success of this batch of AJCO, including the helpers.

Juniors们、老师们、学长们长年累月来所付出的努力并没有白费, 换来的是无限的喜悦与荣耀。

回到了AJ, 一路上都可以听到 '荣誉金...' 的欢呼声。

I’m so proud of every one of y’all! *still very excited*
(more photos n videos will be posted when they're ready)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

加油! AJCO

Dear juniors, there is not much we can do for the preparation of SYF, but we hope that you will like the tibits from the alumni. Jiayou!

Monday, March 09, 2009

Mr & Mrs Teo

三八妇女节. But it also marks the date of Zhiliang and Xiuhua’s grand day – Their solemnization and wedding day. Everyone invited arrived at Holiday Inn early and enjoyed the cocktail. Slides of the photos taken in the morning at AJC were for viewing outside the ballroom and there were some other photos showing their journey from many years back before they tied the knot.

The bridegroom was super busy with handshaking and greetings from people. Finally caught sight of the bride and caused some commotion. Xiuhua looked like a super cute doll with her new hairstyle which, according to Zhiliang, took a long time to set. Someone said that she looks like a doll. Some said she resembles Ayumi. Xiuhua is super pretty with her wedding gown.

Guest started to be ushered into the ballroom and settled down at the tables quickly. Three tables were made up of alumni. Zhiliang and Xiuhua got to know each other through AJCO and of course they had to invite the alumni as well as the teachers in charge.

Finally the entrance of the blissful couple into the ballroom. Food were served and the guests were enjoying the food. A few of the brothers and sisters were made up of the alumni and so there were always disappearance from the tables especially during phototaking and yum-seng.

Alumni phototaking with the couple was grand. A whole group of people were trying hard to arrange themselves for the photos and ensure that they look pretty or handsome for the photos. There were discussion about who should be taking the seats in front and of course it has to be the teachers.

Some alumni had to leave early because of work next day while the rest stayed on to finish up the dessert. Spent some time for photos at the end of the wedding dinner before finally leaving the ballroom and handshaking with the couple and their families.

Wish Zhiliang and Xiuhua 白头偕老, 早生贵子!

Who will be the next alumni or alumni couple to walk on the red carpet?

Friday, February 27, 2009

AJCO Open House 2009

Some random photos during AJCO Open House 2009...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Rabobank 2009 + Post celebration

Rabobank performance 2009
Date: 5&6 February 2009

Moving of instrument & speakers

Liza moving cello onto the van.

It's time to set off!

Self-practice before the start of the performance.
[Kwangying(yangqing), Erik(liuqin), Huiling&Tzy Shing(zhongruan)]


"Listening" to the speech

We're the audience not performers. LOLX
Other than us, the other performances were Lion&Dragon dance. Plate Spinning, chinese dance and软骨功. It's so entertaining that we became the audience and started to take pictures.

Performers on the second night.

Thanks everyone for the hardwork!!
And so
It's time to celebrate after the performance
Date&venue: 8/02/2009 @ KK's house

The group of people who arrive early for the sake of Wii

Shake your body to the beat of the music!!

Peow ee getting so high and Mervin was trying to concentrate to use all his strength. From the picture, u all can know how fast their hands were moving. [That's the reason for muscle ache over the next 1-2days]

捞鱼生 for dinner!

Toss it high high high up to the air!

Time to attack! Where's the salmon?

The before and after look so different. As someone said, the more messy you get during 捞-ing, the more luck you'll have in the coming year.

Pizza and Chicken wings.
Want to know how good it taste?
Look below :)

From their expressions, can see that the chicken wings taste good. Or are we just too hungry after playing Wii? LOLX

After dinner activities
1) Wii part II .
Everyone was so concentrated that none knew that candid photos were being taken.

All the hands move so fast that it looked so blur in pictures.

2) The mahjong group
The stress table behind and the not-so stree table at the front.

3) Hongbao Lucky draw
KK explaing the rules while Peow ee was trying to figure out where was the big prized. Hope everyone is satisfied with the result of the lucky draw^_^
Thanks to all who helped to make the performace a great success!