Friday, June 06, 2008

The Birth of 25th AJCO Batch...

AJCO has finally reaching its 25th birthday. Today, 060608 (Wah! Such an auspicious date!... Try 6608 for 4-D!), marks the day when the 24th AJCO batch has officially handed over their batons to the 25th AJCO batch in AJC LT5. Going back to see our juniors really remind me about the times we spent our days with our fellow AJCO friends.

(Top): Mr Goh (AJCO teacher) with the 24th and 25th AJCO members.

The 24th AJCO president and vice-president, Kwan Chiu, Shufen and their team has created a very memorable video for their members. The video is followed by the official handing over ceremony. Here are some photos of our handsome and pretty juniors during the handing over ceremony (I apologise for not putting all photos because I do not have enough time).

(Top): Shufen (24th Batch VP) & Yao Zhong (25th Batch VP)

(Top): Kwan Chiu (24th Batch P) & Felicia (25th Batch P)

(Top): First Photo of the Day

(Top): Second Photo of the Day

(Top): Third Photo of the Day

After the handing over ceremony, Kwan Chiu said some 'parting' words to AJCO. Next, Shufen read out a letter written by Huang Laoshi to AJCO and followed by Mr Goh and me. Unfortunately, I do not have time to type out the letter content here. Anyway, here are the wacky 24th/25th AJCO EXCO.

(Top): These are the pillars of AJCO

AJCO has gone through a lot in these 24 years (going to its 25th year in 2009). Together with AJC, our orchestra has progressed to greater heights. I hope that the AJCAACO members from as far back as the 8th batch (like Diana, Hui Bao etc) to the 23rd batch (which includes Shuzi, Wanting etc) can get together to make the 25th batch one of the strongest Chinese orchestras among schools.

(Top): A Tale of Two Spiked Heads

@@ AJCO: The Birth of 25th AJCO Batch @@
~~ Liang Ah Lucas ~~

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