AJCO Concert 2008
This poster, designed by Serene, shows the details of the AJCO biannual concert during the non-SYF year. I hope all the alumni can show support by going down to the concert. Anyone who is interested, please order from me.
Here are the song list:
<<石板腰鼓>> (The Stone Slab Waist Drums )
<<拉德斯基进行曲>> (Radetzky March, Op. 228)
<<闲云孤鹤>> - 中阮二重奏与小组伴奏 (The Solitary Crane Amidst The Clouds )
<<夏日里的舞蹈>> (A Summer Dance)
<<送儿郎>> - 弦乐齐奏 (The Parting )
<<我把世界来周游>> - 弹拨齐奏 (A Trip Round The World )
<<阿佤山>> (The Awa Mountain )
<<闯将令>> (The Valorous General )
<<拉德斯基进行曲>> (Radetzky March, Op. 228)
<<闲云孤鹤>> - 中阮二重奏与小组伴奏
<<送儿郎>> - 弦乐齐奏
<<我把世界来周游>> - 弹拨齐奏