Wednesday, January 24, 2007

crap section~~

alrite... think i'm getting bored seeing the same post everyday~ =X
a blog needs to be updated constantly yeah?

so, the crap section shall be opened... anything that is non CO related goes here~~ afterall, our lives are not 100% made up of CO anyway!

for all Simpsons and Death Note fans, you might find this rather interesting XD

Theee Deaaath Nooote by *spacecoyote on deviantART

do remember!~! that...

YOU can post too~

~ Eriol

Friday, January 19, 2007

farewell dinner for 陈老师

as many of you may know, our AJCO teacher-in-charge 陈昌荣老师 will be leaving AJC at the end of the month...

hence, there will be a farewell cum get-together dinner over at AJC at 7pm on the 26th of Jan~
and we hope to have a big gathering like this.... (or even biggeR?)

and we hope all the 稀客s would come too =P

please let us know if you can make it~!! and get all ex-ajco-ians to come!!


Date: 26th Jan 2007 (Friday)
Time: 7pm
Venue: AJC Canteen

Note: Everyone has to pay $5 for the buffet dinner. The alumni will cover about the other half of the cost.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Due to the upcoming Junior's concert (25th May 2007) and our alumni cultural performance (18th Aug 2007), we will need to start practice asap. The first practice in 2007 will be on the coming Wednesday 700pm-915pm (17th Jan). We will be "revising" our basic skills with a song called "Nang Da Alilang". This will be one of the songs the juiniors will be performing for their concert in May. For those who do not want to join the concert, please take this opportunity to brush up our skills.

As for the Alumni Cultural Performance, we will be playing a AJC Theme song composed by the local renowned composer - Mr Tan Kahyong. It will most probably be an ensemble. We will ask for volunteers to perform on Wednesday so that Kahyong will know the proportion and the types of instruments we will have for that concert. You can volunteer HERE as well by replying to this mail.

Thank you and hope to see most of you on Wednesday. We need your support to keep our CO running. Thank you!!!


Friday, January 12, 2007

blog logo~

made a logo fer our blog~!~!! tis is just the 1st design i have in mind... more may come in future...

ajcaaco - euphony of bonds across time

for those with blogs or websites etc etc etc... please feel free to put up this logo... hopefully can publicise the blog even more~ and can act as a convienient link for everyone~~
thanks a lot hor! =P

just paste the code below into your blog or website can liao~ if i'm not wrong, even friendster and such can put too!

(i finally found chinese cheng2 yu3s very useful! :3 )


Confirmed Event(s)/Program(s):

1) AJCO Heritage Exhibition (18th August 2007)
2) University Mentorship Group (Date to be confirmed)
3) Cultural Night Performance (18th August 2007)
4) Practice
5) Blog

AJCO Heritage Exhibition and University Mentorship Group

As part of our vision to build up the foundations for our Chinese Orchestra, the 3rd batch AJCAA Chinese Orchestra (AJCAACO) committee will be spearheading two new projects in 2007 – the AJCO Heritage Exhibition and University Mentorship Group. Through these projects, we seek to build a sense of camaraderie among the current alumni CO members and between the alumni CO members and the juniors CO members. The main objective of the former is to create and put forth the commonality which connects all (former) AJCO members i.e. our history. As for the latter, the objective is to help our CO juniors adapt to the new environments of selected universities (such as NUS and NTU).

Cultural Night Performance

For the Cultural Night Performance, the songs have not been confirmed yet. Theme and songs for the performance will be updated. Duration of performance is about 10-15mins.

Practice Timings

Practice is scheduled to resume on 17th Jan (Wed) from 7-930pm. If there’s no problem in coordination with the school, practice will be settled on Wednesday, and the timings fixed.

Practice will be planned to prepare ourselves for Rabobank Performances (if any), Cultural Night Performance, and our concert in 2008 and any adhoc performances. Practices can be sectional or da zhu depending on the need. Lena will continue to be our assistant conductor. SLs are required to help ensure the attendance of the members.

Blog: AJCAACO - Euphony of Bonds Across Time

A blog has been set up to encourage more active participation from the alumni members. The blog will be a platform of interaction for everybody in the alumni, sharing their interesting stories or anything under the sun. Future announcements will be put up on the blog too.

The blog should be up by January 2007. Committee members will have access to the blog and post entries.

Event(s)/Program(s) on the Pending List:

1) Rabobank Concert (February 2007)
2) Pre-University Sharing Session II (Date to be confirmed)

Rabobank Performance

The yearly Rabobank Chinese New Year performance is still on the pending list. Kian Kiat has sent an email to a representative of Rabobank last month to ask for inquiry about using our orchestra for their 2007 Chinese New Year celebration. They will get back to Kian Kiat or AJCAA in January.

Pre-University Sharing Session II

We might be organizing another similar session after the JC2 students have received their A-Level result to reach out to more JC2 students in the Chinese Orchestra.


Other possible plans for 2007/2008

1. Alumni CO exchange programme with AJCO.

This is to promote more interaction between the alumni and the juniors. We can go down during their annual camp or practice and perform for them, so that we can learn from each other. This is one possible way to close up the distance between us and the juniors.

2. Music Theory Lessons and CO History and Development Seminars:

This is to equip the alumni CO people with some basic music theory knowledge, such as reading music scores. The CO history seminar will serve to provide basic knowledge about the development of Chinese Orchestra from ancient China via Westernization/modernization.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Hui Ling's version of Kukup~~ fun kukup trip!!

Hui Ling~~~~

Kukup = Priceless!!!


$83 Only?

So Cheeeaapppp??!!!! Yes. Our Kukup trip is merely $83, consisting of the transport (with an Ah Beng driver who is surprisingly nice), the accommodation (best chalet I have been to so far) and food (Best BBQ Chicken wings and Otak). Best Buy Best Lobang!!!

$20 Mahjong Lesson Fee (50 Ringgit)

The Kukup’s MJ session cost me quite a bit. Zeyi, Mervin (with Kaiching as the Kwan Ying Niang Niang), Baohe and me played about 3 rounds of MJ. As usual, I was enjoying the PROCESS of making my 5 ‘Tais’ (for many times) when Zeyi, Baohe and Mervin (with Kwan Ying) intercepted my “Hu2s”. So… I lost $20 to Mervin and Zeyi (think Baohe lost also but not as bad) which I replaced it with $50 ringgits. That was not all. I spent the $20 to miss the sunset that everyone enjoyed in that evening. $20 + a sunset were quite a loss.

Look at my remaining chips!! =(

100 Ringgits = 50 Sing Dollar = A Nice Calvin Klein Sweater

At JUSCO (Claimed by our ‘guide’ to be the biggest shopping mall in Malaysia), I bought a nice Calvin Klein white sweater at 100 ringgits. Wait till I wear it one day and “fashion show” in AJCO room. =P. Oh. Lilian, Chunming, Xiuhua and I bought two weirdly chopped coconuts. Let me try to explain it in words (no picture of it). The person chopped off the entire husk, leaving the white meat still in a circular form with the water still inside. Is that clear enough?

$9 8-Course Meal

This is quite worth the $9. The 8-course meal which we had before we went back to Singapore includes a nice Beijing Duck (with the head sliced into two... YUCKS!) and Shark Fin (with more jelly strips than shark fin and a lot of vinegar). The Tofu was very nice and the Century Egg was smelly enough to be tasty. Luckily, no more crabs (very hard to de-shell them) in this 8-course meal.

What is that $140 extra?

This $140 really pains me. When I reached Singapore, I realized one of my lenses was badly stained. So I tried to get rid of it but the stain just didn’t go off. In the end, I tried scrapping it off but it got worse. So I went to an optic shop to ask to change that lens. The person told me that I have to change two or else one will look clear and nice while the old one will look yellowish. So that is where my $140 went to. Sob sob sob!!!

Total $301 But the Experience is Priceless

Yeap! I have spent 301 bucks as a result of the Kukup trip. However, the fun and experience cannot be gauge in monetary terms.

1) Friendship = Priceless!

2) Holding the Horse Shoe Crab by the Tail = Priceless

3) Whistling the 10 Cent Whistle Sweet = Priceless

4) Photos taken with Xiuhua = Priceless

5) The Chicken Wings, Otak and Giant Prawns = Priceless

6) Playing with Fireworks = Priceless

7) Singing “Little Umbrella” with Qi Ling = Priceless

8) Learning how to chew Bubble Gum (W/o biting tongue) = Priceless

By Zhiliang

Monday, January 08, 2007

Lilian's recount of kukup..

i miss kukup!! T__T it was SO SO SO fun!!!

it all started with a simple email: "anyone wans to go msia for a short break?"
i was realli sick of work, so juz wanted to get away. didn't really expect to haf replies but i received some of them almost immediately! so i went to search for a nice place to go to. weilin gave me this website, which looked kinda dubious at first. my colleagues were all telling me it's a con for sure and i'll nv see my deposit of $600 again! but it turned out dat the uncle Dennis (tour agent) was realli nice to us! phew.. =p

luckily, we were allowed to meet at 2 pick up points, so i arranged for the vans to pick us up from woodlands mrt and amk mrt. however, uncle dennis insisted we had to meet at 6.30am(amk) and 6.45am(wdls) as he was afraid of traffic jams at the causeway. i bet some of u were regretting the trip as u dragged ur half-asleep body out of ur beds rite... anyway, the amk grp was super punctual! the onli late geek was mervin, who came at 6.40am. haha.. the wdls grp, however, had more late-comers! shame shame!! =p

so we set off, with nice weather and smooth traffic. soon, we arrived at johore for breakfast before continuing the journey to the kukup ferry terminal..

we had lunch at the ferry terminal. well the food was ok.. but there were lots of flies!! but, haiz, we juz closed one eye lo.. b4 we ate, we explored the place.. omg we saw so many candies from our childhood!! no longer sold in SG leh.. we were gg "ooh! aah!" inside the shops.. a bit diu1 lian3 hor.. haha..

then we took a ferry over to the chalet..

the chalet was much nicer than wad we had expected! it was Big and Clean! I could even smell the soap on the bedsheets and blankets! floors were oso clean n shiny! super clean can?? the most kua zhang thing was that they actualli boiled water for us! b4 we even ask if there're kettles for us to use!!!! and there was so many beds! 4 rooms in total, and each room had at least 8 beds lo!! all double-deckers, with some single beds and some double beds. there were 2 mahjong sets and ktv system in the living room! super satisfied lo~! haha..

the place itself was a peaceful fishing village. except for the salty smell of the seawater, it was realli a comfortable place to be in.. no sounds of traffic, only the swishing of the waves.. the villagers led simple lives dat none of us could imagine having. i think. it feels so carefree and relaxing over there!

after a tea break (we were constantly being fed), uncle Dennis brought us to watch the sunset.. it was so beautiful.. you can nv get to see such a sunset in sg.. but i rem when i was small, and there were not so many HDB flats, i was able to see the sunset every evening at my old flat in yishun. it was almost as beautiful. anyway, which sunset is ugly? haha. i recorded the sun setting down.. took abt 2 n 1/2 min. u can get it from me if u wan it. =)

and then, we had bbq dinner! i tot the starting fire part was gg to take ages, so i asked everyone to go to the bbq pit earlier. in the end, guess wad? there were ppl there who bbq everything for us! the onli thing we needed to do was to take and eat! n their bbq-ing skills are the greatest can? none of us ever cook dat chicken wing till dat kind of level b4! it was cooked perfectly, juicy, crispy skin yet soft meat. yummy.... even the sotong balls tasted better den wad i normalli eat at bbq. the $83 is worth it!

after dinner, all of us went back to MahJong (MJ) or.. erm nothing, all of us were MJing. some were chatting la. but mostly it was MJ MJ MJ! haha.. at ard 1.30am, we went out to put fire crackers... the small small fireworks. veri fun n exciting! but oso super noisy.. =p after uncle dennis came out to gently remind us dat there are villagers living nearby, we went back to the chalet.

in the end i slept at 5am.. morning 8am breakfast? i couldnt care less.. heck the breakfast la.. i did wake up for a minute, feeling the responsibility of being the organiser to wake others up for breakfast. but onli lasted a min. haha.. i woke up at abt 10am. =p

after playing the "pop! pop!", and taking of grp photos. we went to visit a fishing village b4 gg for lunch.. fyi, Pop!pop! is the small white thing dat goes pop! when u throw it on the ground. haha.. i used to play it when i was a kid. but it was banned..

funny stupid pose!! haha

zhiliang holding up a horseshoe crab at the fishing farm:

after lunch, we went to JUSCO, a veri veri veri BIG shopping mall in johore! it was veri nice! a bit like marina sq.. not as big as vivo i think, but comparable! after the shopping, we went for dinner, where we had an 8 course at a cleaner restaurant (yes!!) plus shark's fins for onli $9 per pax! it was worth it. esp the beijing roasted duck! ooh.. forget the fats and oil in it. i juz wan to eat~!!! haha..

after the dinner, we finalli said goodbye to uncle dennis and headed back to sg.. altho we all enjoyed the trip veri much, i was glad to be home.. hope we can haf such a trip again!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

views and comments please

please feel free to provide us with any feedbacks about the blog in any sense (e.g. blog design, layout, content etc.)

your comments are greatly appreciated! =)